Axiell WeLib Ideas

Barcode on mobile phone

It would be useful if a student could use his/her mobile phone as a borrowes card, meaning that the cardnumber should be visible as a barcode in WeLib., to be used on self check units in the Library.

  • Kjetil Hillestad (Axiell)
  • Jan 22 2020
  • No action
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  • Martina Lundström Axiell commented
    21 Jun, 2021 09:24am

    There are scanners that can read both barcodes and QR-codes. So if a user has such a scanner and scans a QR-code created from his username, this would probably work already today.

    It looks promising but we need to test and investigate if there is any other development needed for this.

  • Guest commented
    17 Jun, 2021 11:55am

    This goes also for special library users. fr.ex. Lawyers. Barcode or QR code.